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Alexander Kluge
By Dorothea Holloway | December 22, 2014
Alexander Kluge, Schriftsteller und Filmemacher, erhielt am 13. Dezember den Heinrich-Heine-Preis der Stadt Düsseldorf. Die Laudatio hielt Anselm Kiefer. Mit großer Dankbarkeit habe ich in der Süddeutschen Zeitung die Dankesrede von Alexander Kluge gelesen.
In KINO – German Film No: 12 (Autumn 1983 ) schrieb Ron Holloway:
Alexander Kluge was a practicing lawyer when he made his first film, the documentary short Brutalität in Stein (Brutality in Stone) (1960), together with Schamoni. The film won him recognition at the Oberhausen Short Film Festival, receiving one of the main prizes. In 1962, he was a prime figure in promulgating the Oberhausen Manifesto; thereafter, he supported actively the founding of the Kuratorium Junger Deutscher Film. His first feature, Abschied von Gestern (Yesterday Girl) (1966), won a Silver Lion at Venice. Two years later, he won the festival’s Golden Lion for Die Artisten in der Zirkuskuppel: Ratlos (The Artists in the Big Top: Perplexed) (1968), thus confirming the international status of New German Cinema.
Auch in KINO – German Film No. 2, 20, 21 haben wir u. a. über Alexander Kluge berichtet.
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