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MDM Festival Landscape
By Ron Holloway | December 31, 2008
Internationales Leipziger Festival für Dokumentar- und Animationsfilm – The Leipzig International Festival for Documentary and Animation Films – aka DOK Leipzig – is the most prominent German and one of the leading international festivals for artistic documentary and animation films. The festival was founded in 1955 by the Club der Filmschaffenden der DDR (Club of Filmmakers of GDR) as an Leipzig All-German (East/West) Week for Cultural and Documentary Films and thus marked the first independent film festival of the German Democratic Republic (GDR). Parallel to the festival, DOK Leipzig and DOK Industry offers a unique professional program for the development and consolidation of the German and international documentary film. Its core is the digital DOK Markt, at which professional participants can view and evaluate new documentary films in a congenial atmosphere at modern viewing counters. 27 October to 2 November 2008. www.dok-leipzig.de
Dresden Internationales Kurzfilmfestival – The Dresden International Short Film Festival – aka Filmfest Dresden – has developed since its founding in 1989 into one of the most important short film festivals in Germany. The program embraces the short film in all its collective facets: in addition to the short fiction and animation films, documentary and experimental films also find their way to the screen. 14-19 April 2009. www.filmfest-dresden.de
“Goldener Spatz” Kinder-Medien-Festival Gera & Erfurt – The “Golden Sparrow” Children Media Festival in Gera and Erfurt is the biggest of its kind in Germany, addressing itself to both public and professionals. It annually offers an overview of German-language and co-produced children films and television broadcasts. The Gera film program is accompanied by a comprehensive workshop offering geared for both children and teachers and a forum for media education. The Erfurt screenings are complemented by trade-professional events for authors, producers, programmers and distributors, as well as a Filmmarkt Pro Junior. 24-30 May 2009. www.goldenerspatz.de
Werkleitz Festival Halle/Saale – The Werkleitz Biennale was launched in 1996 as a trans-border international forum for media art. Since 2008, the event takes place annually under the name Werkleitz Festival in Halle/Saale in Saxony-Anhalt. The “Amerika” Werkleitz Festival, scheduled in October a week before the U.S. Presidential Election, deals with a differentiated image of America. The festival is organized by the Werkleitz Gesellschaft, a non-profit association for the funding and implementation of film-, art-, and media-projects. www.werkleitz.de
Internationales Kinderfilmfestival “Schlingel” Chemnitz – The “Schlingel” International Film Festival for Children and Young Audience in Chemnitz is organized by the Saxon Children and Youth Office in Chemnitz. The latest information about this traditionally rich “Schlingel” (“Rascal”) Children Film Festival can be garnered from the opening day press conference. 13-19 October 2008. www.ff-schlingel.de
backup.festival Weimar – The backup.festival, dovetailing with the Bauhaus University in Weimar, was established as a trendsetting platform for experimental (digital-) film art. In addition to the international short film competition backup.award, the discussion platform features clearly structured panels and roundtables. www.backup-festival.de
Neisse Filmfestival – The Neisse Film Festival, located in the southeastern corner of the republic in the three-nation-triangle formed by the Czech Republic, Poland, and Germany, is organized by film clubs in Saxony’s Grosshennersdorf, the Czech Republic’s Liberec, and Poland’s Zgrzelec. Accordingly, it offers an overview of filmmaking in the three participating countries. A festival specialty is the border-crossing film screenings in Zgrzelec/Poland and Liberec/Czech Republic. Spring 2009. www.neissefilmfestival.de
Filmkunstmesse Leipzig – The Leipzig Film Art Market, an important forum for cooperative exchange between film exhibitors and distributors was launched by the AG Kino-Gilde, the Interessenverband der Programmkinos (Association of Program Cinemas), and Filmkunsttheater in Deutschland (German Art House Cinemas). The Leipzig Film Art Market annually offers a platform at which professionals sift through films before they are released, discuss marketing and potential for individual films, and mutually develop strategies for the future of film art in seminars, workshops, and roundtables. 21-25 September 2009. www.filmkunstmesse.de
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