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Rainer Werner Fassbinder (1945-1982)
By Dorothea Holloway | May 5, 2015
Am 31. Mai wäre Rainer Werner Fassbinder 70 Jahre geworden. In KINO – German Film No:9 vom Winter 1982/ 83 hat Ronald Holloway über “Fassbinder’s Early Years” berichtet:
When Rainer Werner Fassbinder (born 31 May 1945) died at 37 on the Feast of Corpus Christi (10 June 1982), he had already directed 42 films in the brief span of 14 years and had two other projects on the wing. He was considered the backbone of New German Cinema; indeed, take away his contribution, and the rest loses decisively in meaning and depth. He had won six German Film Prizes, the last awarded to Lola this year. At the June ceremonies, Minister of the Interior Gerhart Rudolf Baum paid a high compliment: “Mit Rainer Werner Fassbinder haben wir einen der ganz grossen Persönlichkeiten des deutschen Films verloren.”
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