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    Walentin Rasputin gestorben

    By Dorothea Holloway | March 17, 2015

    Der russische Schriftsteller Walentin Rasputin ist am 14. März, fast 78 Jahre alt in Moskau gestorben. Elem Klimow hat seinen Roman Abschied von Matjora (1976) verfilmt. Zu Glasnost-Zeiten 1987 konnte dieser Film auf der Berlinale gezeigt werden.

    1987 und 1989 hat Ron Holloway zwei Spezialhefte KINO – Soviet Cinema heraus gegeben:

    The above statements were the participants’ views on the broad question of “perestroyka” – or “constructive change” – in the cultural life of the Soviet Union today, keeping in mind that a range of questions were posed over the tow-hour press conference held at the Berlin Academy of Fine Arts, on the 6th of March 1987.

    Rasputin: I think the word “perestroyka” for you in the West is now as popular as “sputnik” once was, so we don’t really need to translate it at all. For my part, it’s unsettling that the term has become for many in our country a demagogic concept. As is often the case, the word is not being used to defend both a just and an unjust cause – simply by standing up and waving a flag with “perestroyka” – “constructive change” – on it. Essentially, fundamental change is something very good, but I would
    agree with Bulat Okudzhava that what’ lacking are people who are leaders, who are the personalities capaple of bringing about change by their actions. Ttere are just such people: not only in the filmmakers’ union, but also in our writers’ union. They only have to be found – and persuaded – to take up the task.

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