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Niklas Schilling und seine Filme
By Dorothea Holloway | December 11, 2014
Ron hat die Schilling Filme geliebt. Er hat fast über alle geschrieben. So beginnt in KINO – German Film No: 12 (1983) seine Besprechung zu Der Willi-Busch-Report:
Niklaus Schilling is an AUTOR among AUTOREN in New German Cinema. He not only writes and directs his own productions, but he began his career as a cameraman for other German filmmakers, has an eye for the sets and even the costumes, and controls everything from start to finish via his own production company, Visual Film, in close association with wife-collaborator Elke Haltaufderheide – who often plays the lead role in their features! Vintage Schilling-Haltaufderheide include Nachtschatten (Night Shade) (1971), Die Vertreibung aus dem Paradies (Expelled from Paradise) (1976), and Rheingold (1977). Then came the honor of winning the prestigious Max Ophüls Prize at Saarbrücken and the German critics’ citation as “Film of the Year” for Der Willi-Busch-Report.
1989 beginnt Ron Holloway in KINO No: 35 wie folgt über Niklaus Schillings Der Atem (The Spirit) zu schreiben:
Niklaus Schilling – God bless him! – is still making films with an experimental verve and a creative vitality. Indeed, during his later period, when he generally abandoned narrative cinema for more challenging avant-garde techniques, he seems to anticipate where the media is eventually headed – towards a computerized blending of film, video, and hi-tech.
Am Freitag, den 5. Dezember erhielt ich das Buch von Karl Prümm, Ein notorischer Grenzverletzer – Niklaus Schilling und seine Filme – am 6. Dezember abends hatte ich es durchgelesen.
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