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    »Bin ich schön?« von Doris Dörrie

    By Dorothea Holloway | September 1, 2014

    Am 19. August sah ich im ZDF von Doris Dörrie Glück aus dem Jahre 2012. Ich war angetan, ja, betroffen. Die Lebensleistung von Doris Dörrie bewundere ich von ganzem Herzen. Sie hat nicht nur großartige, preisgekrönte Filme geschaffen, sondern kann auch bemerkenswerte Novellen schreiben.

    An dieser Stelle möchte ich nun aus KINO – German Film No: 68 aus dem Jahre 1999 zitieren:

    Doris Dörrie is not only a well known filmmaker, but also a recognized storyteller whose tales deal in a most entertaining manner with the problems and situations of her contemporaries. From her books “Bin ich schön?” (Am I beautiful?) and “Für immer und ewig” (Forever and Ever) she has drawn the figures and motifs for a screen version. A new, exhilarating, intricately woven “world order” is formulated in “Am I beautiful?” Doris Dörrie’s people […] share one thing in common: they’re all “on the road” somewhere! […] Yet, with their contrasting destinies edited into a rhythmic whole, the film – much like Max Ophüls’s La Ronde (1950) – neatly broadens its focus to embrace the human condition. […] In the one recurring motif in the film we see an old man (Dietmar Schönherr) reverently carrying the ashes of his deceased wife with him across country to bury her under their favorite tree.

    Und aus KINO – German Film No: 91 (2008, als Ron noch Publisher war):

    BERLINALE COMPETITION: Doris Dörrie’s Kirschblüten – Hanami. Two Bavarian Film Prizes were awarded to Kirschblüten ( Cherry Blos-soms). The Producer Prize went to Molly von Fürstenberg und Harald Kügler, Olga Film. Elmar Wepper was awarded Best Actor in the role of Rudi. Doris Dörrie, author and film-maker, is featured in a cover story in the February 2008 edition of Chrismon.

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