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    Lothar Lambert 70

    By Dorothea Holloway | July 3, 2014

    Zu Ehren von Lothar Lambert wird am 28. Juli um 19 Uhr im Kino Arsenal Was sie nie über Frauen wissen wollten (1992) gezeigt, in Anwesenheit des Regisseurs, mit einer Einführung von Jan Gympel.

    In KINO – German-Film No: 16 (Autumn 1984) schrieb Jeffrey M. Peck unter der Überschrift Underground to Above-Ground: Lothar Lambert u. a. folgendes:

    Imagine a director who is a cross between Andy Warhol, Russ Meyer, and yourself when you take home movies of grandma, grandpa, and the kids. In fact, Lothar Lambert’s family of Berlin actors, to continue the comparisons, reminds one of the late Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s brood. His (Lambert’s, that is) beautiful blond leading lady Ulrike S. always appears, albeit in less glamorous situations than Hanna Schygulla, and in tow a smorgasboard of characters like Stefan Menche (a macho softie a la Magnum), Dorothea Moritz, Dagmar Beiersdorf, and Albert Heins to whet the appetite of the most international gourmet – better, gourmand, since excess and extremes are Lambert’s forte.

    But Lambert is able to temper his penchant for what most people would charge to be the seemy side of life: prostitutes, pimps, drug-addicts, and transvestites. He has a sincere and genuine desire to represent a view of the world from the perspective of the outsider. These characters often turn out to be homosexual (or at least to have some predilections in this direction), the insignificant, the lonely, or the just plain bored who would like to be something different then they are, to have some notoreity, some excitement, or – if they are really lucky – just plain happiness. […]

    So if it should really happen to you that you should end up observing yourself watching such a film (as Lambert’s character literally does in Drama in Blond), take advantage of this provocative self-consciousness which film can provide, and Lambert’s works especially. By making people like all of us low-budget stars in his films, he creates the possibility of being a star, but one which is still very bound to this earth.

    In KINO – German Film No: 47 (1992) Ron Holloway wrote in Book Corner:

    Stefan Menche, Lambert Underground.

    Metro Verlag, 1992. Subtitled “20 Films by Lothar Lambert, Berlin 1971-1992,” this a chronicle of the life, times, career, and oevre of the “King of the Berlin Underground.” Lothar Lambert, who could make a provocative full-length feature with Ulrike S. and Albert Heins and “friends” on a shoestring, has succeeded on more than one occasion to stand the subsidized German cinema on its head, in addition to being hailed in Paris and Rotterdam, Toronto and New York. Written (in German) and edited an actor-journalist, who appears as a regular in LL’s films, the volume offers insights into and critiques about the themes, happenings, and highlights of the Berlin Underground Scene. Texts by “friends” Dagmar Beiersdorf, Doreen Heins, Dorothea Moritz, Nilgün Taifun, Renate Soleymany, Dennis Buczma, Dieter Schidor, and Manfred Salzgeber. Photos, 167 pages.

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