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    Volker Koepp 70 Jahre

    By Dorothea Holloway | June 30, 2014

    Regisseur Volker Koepp wurde am 22. Juni 70 Jahre.

    From O. is for OBERHAUSEN – Weg zum Nachbarn (1979) by Ronald and Dorothea Holloway:

    A leading humanist in the contemporary documentary field, Volker Koepp has made a series of “Wittstock films” – Girls in Wittstock (1975), Again in Wittstock (1976) – on working girls in a provincial town’s factory using a casual, revelatory style. Das Weite Feld (1976) and Hütes (1977), an Oberhausen winner, poetically match man with nature; Hütes is a warm account of two sisters reviewing the past over a recipe for potato-dumplings handed down for generations.

    Ron Holloway schrieb das folgende und mehr in KINO – German Film No: 71 (2000) Special Issue, “Film and Cinema in Eastern Germany”:

    Volker Koepp’s latest documentary essay, Herr Zwilling und Frau Zuckermann [an der Kamera der fabelhafte Thomas Plenert], brings us to western Ukraine – an area known as Bukovina where Germans, Jews, Poles, Ukrainians, and Rumanians have felt at home for decades. Also, the poet Paul Celan was born here, in whose verses the sunken world of his childhood always rises to the surface. A world that was destroyed by the German Fascists in 1941, they sent Jewish citizens, almost without exception, to death.

    In Der Tagesspiegel vom 22. Juni schreibt Gunda Bartels über einen Hausbesuch zum 70. bei Volker Koepp.

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